Take Up Space

A couple months ago, I was on the ExMormon subreddit where the topic was victim blaming. (You might find that a jarring opener to accompany this fun, bright illustration, but hang in there)

I came across a comment where the redditor was describing a moment in which she was doing "Yoga with Adriene," and while doing "star pose," Adriene had instructed her pupils to "TAKE UP SPACE!" which in its simplicity had caused my fellow ex-Mormon woman to burst into tears.

Friends, I FELT what she felt in that moment while reading her comment: those years of-no- A LIFETIME- of oppression in an organization that benefits from us being small. A community that would rather us accept blame for their sins than do the work that true change requires.

And while I read this comment from a total stranger who I felt such a strong kingship with, I felt those feelings so deeply inside me and I pictured that scene so clearly in my head. In that moment I did a therapeutic art exercise I like to do when I see myself heading toward a ptsd- looking moment in my head- (is black and scribbly yet looks ON FIRE WITH BOMBS AND LIGHTNING BACK THERE OH GOD)

And I tried to make the picture in my head a silly one. Then, I knew I must draw it. So here it is: this beautiful oppressed lady starfish learning how to take. up. space. ⭐

Side note: I had never heard of Yoga With Adriene before and so I looked it up (if it moves one to tears, seems worth a Google) and watched the first video that popped up, which was a wonderful video of a warm, loving woman with her dog sprawled next to her, snoozing (and for some reason that just added the most peaceful touch). I followed along loosely, modifying as I needed to to avoid dislocations (always a good thing) but found her super gentle and easy to follow. I scrolled through some comments, and quickly realized this wasn't just yoga- this was a COMMUNITY. As someone who literally owes her life to an online family community- love to see it.

I moved on to try to find the exact video the redditor was referring to, and don't even remember how I did, but I managed it. I tried to incorporate the really cool plant and vibe of that video into the warm homey feel of the original video I watched that gave ME all the warm fuzzies. Anyway, this was a fun little project that I pushed myself to do, and I had a super hard time finishing it, but it was mostly self- criticism. I'm really pleased with how it turned out. 🖤


Pain is permanent.


Good grief